Empowering Equality

#GiveBackToken, or #GBT is a digital asset of a UNIQUE global FOUNDATION based on #TUE which is TRUST, UNITY & EDUCATION.

Our goal is to reduce the negative effects of the current financial system while increasing the number of people who support our mission by offering low- to middle-class families the opportunity to become partners in our foundation.

Supply & Tokenomics

1,000,000,000,000,000 GBT

1% tax for donations / Marketing

8% Burned Wallet (Dead locked wallet )

7% Holdings Partners (Locked for 12 months)

6% Dev Team Wallet (Locked for 12 months)

% Remaining for DEX - Pancakeswap

Audited Contract Address


GBT is available on SwapBox for the 8 main networks shown in the screenshot above, simply connect your wallet through SwapBox and search GBT.


BSC Buy Link : https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x90a7253B4DC957257A363B9960cA383d241Bd01f&inputCurrency=BNB

Audit Link : https://github.com/softstackHQ/Smart-Contract-Security-Audits/blob/master/Unicrypt/Smart_Contract_Audit_Unicrypt_ENMTv2_20072023.pdf

Give Back Token (GBT) is a digital currency created for the purpose of promoting social equality and assisting charities around the world. Our mission is to empower individuals to make a positive impact on society by supporting projects and initiatives that address social issues and improve not only our life, but also the lives of others.

About Us